Sunday, May 1, 2011

Napoli 2011

Journey to...

Napoli 2011/04/17 - 2011/04/18

I'm now tempted to ride on this...ヘ(´o`)ヘ

Yachts. Plenty of them...

One of the world's best pizzas ヾ(´ρ`)〃

The "Trianon" Pizza makers

Since.. before I was born ┐(´ー`)┌

Yellow building

Red roses under Mother Mary's picture



OMG.. Do you actually notice those eggss?? (still in its shells) (゚∇゚|||)

Here's another one that's already cut...

GAY - odin

Beauty. What a beautiful gelato. !o(T д T)oΨ

For the soccer fans \( ̄ー\)(/ー ̄)/

The very low profile (if you wear it in Hawaii) shirt that actually caused Adrian in getting arrested by the Pompeii ticket security guard.

Nestle snacks ヘ( ̄ー ̄ヘ)

Coffee product by "Algida" :)