Saturday, May 7, 2011

Barcelona 2009

A couple of years after that, my mom, uncle, brother Adrian and I went to pay a visit to Europe again. My dad finally got me the Canon wide lens EF 16-35mm 1:2.8 L II USM that I always wanted. It was much easier to capture full scene in a shot using that lens. ヘ(゚▽ ゚*)ノ

here are my shots....

Barcelona 2009/10/16 - 2009/10/18

The hop on hop off tour bus

My uncle, Om Hauw (*^¬^)ノ

My mom's Royal Caribbean Cruise jacket has the exact same colors like the taxis┏(_□_:)┓

Las Ramblas
, the famous street in Barcelona (o ̄∇ ̄)o!!⇒

Living statues ヽ( ̄ ̄∇ ̄ ̄)ノ

and more... \(●~▽~●)

Pretty little flowers +゚*。:゚+(人*´∀`)ウットリ+゚:。*゚+.

Adrian in the shade

The city map


The big market of St. Joseph ヾ(・ω・*)ノ

One of the alleyways

As usual.. always wanted to have his picture taken (`・ω・´)v

A commercial church that required us to pay to get in there ^(  ̄(●●) ̄)^

The interior was amazing though ((((●・ω・)ノ♡

and more... o(>▽▽<)o

glass window reflection on the floor ☆^▽^☆

Next, we visited the  Basílica y Templo Expiatorio de la Sagrada Familia which was designed by the famous architect Antoni Gaudí, I wonder why was Adrian always in scene φ( ̄  ̄|||)

what's in it...

The statue of Antoni Gaudí, right below

The Barca Stadium ♪♪v(o⌒∇⌒o)v♪♪

The conference room v(▽ ̄ V)

The toilet ( v ̄▽ ̄)

Where the press seats at

Cool spots to take pictures at v(≧∇≦v)三(v≧∇≦)v

Dark mirrored wall with electronic writings that move..
fascinating... v(▼ω▼メ)ゞ

The soccer players' sport shirts

The museum

Tallest basketball athlete, and his name is FUCKA =( ̄Д ̄;)⇒

A really beautiful place which I fail to remember what it's called ┗(|||`□´|||;;)┛

more of it...

did some shopping there too (o ̄∇ ̄)o!!

Street musicians ♪└|∵|┐♪└|∵|┘♪┌|∵|┘♪

The city in the afternoon

Yachts \( ̄ー\)(/ー ̄)/

A nice toilet of the most expensive hotel in the city ψ(`∇´)ψ

A monorail tram

Casa Batlló
a house designed by Antoni Gaudí ヘ(゜∇ ゜)

designs that contain of many curves in it

Holograms ヘ(^0^)ヘ ☆

We went inside a random building that has a uniquely engraved door

Beautiful tiled pavement o(>▽<o)(o>▽<)o

was taking a picture of the pavement and actually accidentally shot a red clown too(O ̄▽ ̄O)

There was an old era movie shoot with lots of classic cars in the scene(★>U<★)

Stairs of our hotel

The view of the city through the window by daytime \(^_^)/

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