Sunday, May 29, 2011

Cape Town 2010

Africa's most popular tourist destination...

Cape Town 2010/06/30 - 2010/07/02

, the really cool and unique boutique hotel we stayed at

The room description

Ce Helen and I got the 'emergency room' where our room interior was made to appear like the shades of a hospital

Me trying out the nurse costume

Ce Helen passed out, the room was darker cause the light was dimmed

The ceiling light designed to resemble the surgical light

Scrub room

which is the bathroom...

the toilet

Dictionary handbook

Cute packaging of complimentary teas

Adrian's Levi's room. Tribute to jeans!

The Levi's bathroom

Our dinner ◇(ー` 三 ´○`)▲ゞ

The next day, on our way to the ostrich ranch

It was so very cold ~゛(ノ><)ノ

The ostrich museum, from left to right : Ostrich egg, Emu egg, Rhea egg, Chicken Egg

Ostrich fetuses

Adrian's thumb next to the adult ostrich brain

Black feathers : male ostrich, white feathers : female ostrich

Ce Helen feeding the ostrich

Adrian's turn

and my turn...

The left one was an albino ostrich

The eggs were so strong that they didn't break even when we stand on top of it

LOL the ostrich freaked out..(´□` ),,,,,,,,,,,

The giant African turtles

Jummmppp...... candid shot ヽ(〃'▽'〃)ノ

About to sit on the ostrich

Just like a swan - from neck to head

Reminds me of the chocobo race on Final Fantasy game

OMG.. LOL... this appears as though Ce Helen was strangling the ostrich

Adrian, riding on and stroking on

Feeding the fowls

African money

Ce Helen & Adrian at the restaurant lounge, next to the sofas are the ostrich eggs lamps

Westcoast Ostrich Ranch

The menu

Ostrich scrambled egg & ostrich meat

Victoria Road

The view from Victoria Road

The rocks at Clifton beach

Cape Town
by day

Really cute couple(。ゝω・)〜♡

and another (* ̄◎ ̄*)ぶ

Bo Kaap
, the neighborhood with colorful houses in it

Green vs. pink

and more...[*´ω`人´ω`*]

Blue house

Another end of the street


House number 120





at the Green Market Square

Had early dinner at Saigon (Vietnamese Restaurant)
Our room that night (you see the writings on the pillows - Doctor & Nurse)

Me playing around with my camera

Me on the left laying around, ce Helen on the right napping

Supper at Royal Burger (said to be Salma Hayek's favorite burger restaurant in Cape Town) with the Columbia/New Yorkers alumni. We had to queue to get in. They served really great milkshakes and burgers.

more of the restaurant...

Chalk board

A nice bottle packaging design

Adrian's Levi's room that night

and more...

I passed out

Just massages though...

Table Mountain
the next day

Mountain birds

The view from the foothills

I tried to stitch these pictures and it turned out to be a big failure (*´ο`*)=3

and another.... ce Helen looks good in it though (´ ▽`).。o♪


Ce Helen & coffee

Cable car for the lazy people

and more...

on the most right were the hikers

Hiking photo from Victor's cam

A really nice & successful panoramic photo stitch by Victor

Writings on the rock

Hiking dog

The view from the top of Table Mountain

Do not do this if you are afraid of height

My sunglasses (´ ▽`).。o♪♪

My shoe

Spot Ce Helen!!!

Tiny me from far

Beautiful view

TV Show

Ce Helen walking

Cape Town
's soccer stadium from Table Mountain



Ce Helen

and another...


Me at the tip of the mountain

and more...

Ce Helen taking picture of flowers

Our shadows

The very lively sky

I look like I was going to fly

Yellow flowers

Little bird

The shore from above

These little fellas are called DASSIES

Sleeping under the friend's ass

The cable car rail

The view from the cable car
going down...

More yellow flowers

Snowy like flowers

Lunch at Pepper Club

Nice water bottles packaging

beach during sunset

Loving each other again( ^。^人^。^* )

Chillaxing on the sand

and more...

Their shoes

The stairs of our boutique hotel

Colorful tree wraps

The city that night

Very quiet traffic

Dinner at a Thai restaurant - Adrian's sleepy face (。-ω-)zzz. . . (。゚ω゚)

Weird couple behind Adrian


Another stupid stitch, but more or less you can imagine what Port Elizabeth look like at night (_ _*)・.。*

Ostrich eggs lamps

Outside the store

Inside the store

The city by day



I want...

The soft bed

Ce Helen & Adrian on the bed in the mall

Going down the stairs

Giving beardy man a kiss(*⌒3⌒*)

Port Elizabeth
by day

Lunch at Malay restaurant

While I was taking a picture of the port, one of the policeman said "Take a picture of me please?" and I said okay... and he immediately shied off "nonono.. I was just kidding"

Giant coke stacks just like the one in Jo-burg's fan fest park

Crossing the bridge

A nice greyish blue house at the background

Shark cage diving anyone??

Ce Helen taking pictures with Zakumi at the airport

Me too... and eventually some nice random guy came to us giving us free Zakumi pins cause we took pictures with it

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