Friday, February 15, 2013

4,620 Page Views on My Blog!

Hey peeps! How's it going? Haven't been updating my blog for like FOREVER..

I was quite surprised today as I logged in, I found this.

4 thousand what??? is that even normal? lol

I didn't know that people would actually view my blog hahahaha... I thought only I could read it. *sounds desperate*.

This gave me a reason to continue updating my blog. I have promised myself I'd make a travel blog (which means, creating a documentation of my travel pictures whenever I go overseas), and I did go to the States last year. I was just too lazy to update it here, cause I posted all of the pictures on facebook already, so what's the point?

But just in case facebook one day shuts down and I need to re-view my travelling pictures, I could still have them all here.

I'll be posting more pictures of my last year's US trip here... in the upcoming days. Just wait for it k? Just hope that I can find those pictures somewhere in my hard disk #keeping my fingers crossed. Ttyl guys!